Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Noah: Momma when I get older can I drive the truck? (my mountaineer)

Me: Of course! that is a fantastic idea!

Noah: But (raising his hand for me to pause) my legs need to grow longer so I can reach the pedals...

Me: well yes that's probably a good idea.

Noah: How much longer til I am long enough to reach the pedals?

Me: Oh, probably 15-16...

Noah: Oh that's when I get my tv in my room too! That will be great!

Me: Hey when you can drive the truck you can take me to the store to get groceries!

Noah: Yeah and I can go inside too and help you...

Me: sounds good to me!

1 comment:

  1. This is a great conversation. You should print it out & show him when he does turn 15/16. I'm sure he'll love it as much as you. :)
