Saturday, June 19, 2010

plans? we don't need no stinkin' plans!

ok the little ticker down there with the stork holding a baby...the one that's been keeping me going because i try not to check it EVERYday, but only maybe every week is now wrong... yep wrong... by about 4 days... yes.. that means baby #2 is coming 6/24/10, not 7/1/10...this coming thursday instead of two weeks from now... apparently from Friday's dr's visit baby #2 is a bit big (measuring 8.5lbs) and that's the 90th percentile which would be fine if i was really 39wks...but alas i am only 37 wks and 6 days... initially the drs thought doing an amnio to test if the baby's lung function was mature enough and then delivering the next day was the plan of action...well it FREAKED ME OUT!... all along it's been "baby's doing great... you're doing great... we'll see you in a month, two weeks, next week!"... but when the "least personable" of the 4 doctors tells you... "well you're measuring in the 90th percentile and that would be fine if you were further along, but because you are not we now need to change everything you've been waiting on and planning for...!" i F-U-H-R-E-A-K OUT! literally! start crying and in my most pleasant of tones ask the dr. "are you telling me I have to have the amnio or is it my choice, because frankly i need someone to TELL me what to do here..." all he said was..."i'm only the medical professional, all i can do is give you the information and you have to decide for yourself..." blah, blah, blah... stupid man telling an already hormonal 9mos pregnant lady to make one of the biggest decisions of her life and her baby's! Sooo instead of doing the amnio we are opting for a week early delivery of this little guy - to be on 6/24, 7:30am, have to be at the hospital at 5:30am... i am super excited and nervous and emotional...

all of that happened on Friday... my husband the eternal optimist and romantic:) HAD planned for a romantic weekend this coming weekend, with a rented Cadillac and hotel on the Plaza for Fri-Sat nights and Noah to stay with his parents to let us rest/sleep in and enjoy being just the two of us again... he said on Friday afternoon "well since that plan is sort of shot to hell...what do you want to do this weekend?"... i laughed and then started balling because i realized this would be our LAST WEEKEND just the THREE OF US! last saturday morning with the three of us having pancakes at the table... last weekend just the three of us going to the grocery store and mowing the grass and cleaning... we will be a family of four in four days! so he hopped to it and re-organized the weekend to a family plan:) he rented a suburban (we looked like the secret service!)

and then stayed in Lawrence, KS for the night at the Spring Hill Suites (used to be the RiverFront Mall)...and it was heaven...we went and drove around Lawrence, looking for Jayhawks...ate at Stone Creek (which is still pretty good food!) and then went swimming at the hotel pool...slept in til 7ish and got up and had a great breakfast with Curt's family for Father's day...and finished Father's day at my parent's house with bar-b-q and cupcakes - it was a great weekend! Still can't believe the second boy is going to be here in 4 days... hope he's as excited to see us as we are him!

1 comment:

  1. Awwww I am so jealous. I want my baby to come on Thursday!!! Sounds like you guys had a nice relaxing weekend. I need one of those before baby comes too! Good luck on Thursday, I can't wait to see pics!
