Tuesday, October 26, 2010

a little of this and some of that

soooo if you'll notice the right hand side of my blog now shows my run total (miles) and races i'm signed up for... apparently i'm wanting to become a runner...apparently its just going to happen... god i love that runner's 'high'...seriously i can't get enough...i am actually excited about running... it should be noted that i am very very slow...no where near running 3miles in the 30min like my ipod program is training me to do...but what's so awesome this time around...i don't freakin' care...i ran for 28 min non-stop tonight...i can't hardly believe i did it...i never did that in high school...i ran in volleyball (sprints, miles) and totally ran in basketball...but really - 28min? non-stop? not really...a lot of the sports i played are anaerobic...and i'm sooooo going for endurance...who cares if i run as fast as most people walk... i will get to that finish line...eventually:) so that was the "little of this"...now for "that"...

we are going to Florida in 5 days...OMG 5 DAYS! I didn't sleep good at all last night...frankly its not sleeping thats a problem when i am worried about something it's falling asleep...i was up til 11:30 last night - most nights i go to be at 8pm...YES 8PM...i know it's ridiculous...but i am usually a good sleeper :) i am freaking out about a lot of things... here i'll list them out for you: 1) traveling with little kids, do i really need to elaborate on that? i mean three hours in a car is one thing (getting out to go to the bathroom is no biggie), but on a freakin' airplane?! I guess there will be pottys on there, but still...it's different...and let's talk about entertaining for three hours...2) curt has put like 15 movies on his IPAD so hopefully it'll just be a movie-marathon and that will be sufficient...but it'll be headphones...staying in your seat...tons of extra people...arrgghh... 3) traveling with all the extra crap! strollers, car seats, clothes, diapers, formula...it's like going camping, but for a daycare! 4) being a new city, not knowing your way around...5) SAFETY - i am freaking out about this one...Noah knows NO stranger and talks to anyone (more like shouts "HEY how are you!"), most people are gracious about it, but still! I know i just need to relax and take it all in stride - it's going to be fine - Curt will be my calming force like he always is, but i wish i could just chill out about it.... hopefully the post that i do AFTER the trip will be a "it was super fun, no big deal, told ya it'd be easy"...we can hope right? say a prayer for me will ya? maybe two...yeah two is good... see ya on the flip side!


  1. Congrats on the running. I need to get back to running. Finding the time to do so is next to impossible!
    Have fun on your trip. I am jealous of your travels but not of the stress that comes with it. You guys will have a blast I am sure.

  2. Good for you with your running. I haven't done anything since Harry was born. I'm lazy! I also like going to bed early except for tonight since I'm catching up on all of my blog readings. Soon though, very soon!

    Good luck with the traveling. That is the one thing that does scare me now that we have a little one of our own. We're going on our first road trip (Andover, KS) this weekend. All in stride.

  3. think of it as good practice for HAWAII!!!!!
