Tuesday, June 3, 2014

exciting times 'wilsondreamhome2014'

So we went to see a house a few months back... driving home from a Saturday soccer game... Curt says to me 'hey let's go check this house out...'  I said 'sure!'... we love to do that together...some couples like going to movies, some to baseball games... we like to go look at houses...nevermind if they are lock-box tight - we'll find a way and aren't too proud to smoosh our faces to the windows to see what we can see.... well boy did we see...

Fortunately (or unfortunately depending on your viewpoint) the back sliding glass door was open... it was like a sign...the stars aligned... the choir from heaven sang out... I walked in and basically said "Oh my God!"...I fell in love, quite literally.  It had e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. we have ever wanted in a home... dark hard wood floors, open floor plan...tons o' natural light... deck (covered with a ceiling fan!)...large yard for room to run and get a jungle gym for uno, dos & tres... giant (like a bedroom sized) walk-in pantry... laundry room equal in size...dramatic fireplace and open entry way....large bedrooms... large walk in closet in master... walk in shower in master... and for curt "3 CAR GARAGE"... finished basement with extra unfinished storage space... are you drooling yet?  yeah me too... the place is a dream... i mean i couldn't check off all the check boxes in my head fast enough... e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g i have ever wanted in a house... and then there in the back of the room... i hear a whisper..."kate", "kate...do you know how much this is?"... i wake from my intoxicated house dream... "what?" i ask... "do you know how much this house is?"...i reply "no clue, probably out of our realm"... and curt then proceeds to say "no kate...we can do this...we can totally do this..."... i laugh...and start heading back to the van - praying that uno and dos are still buckled and not climbing out to see where we disappeared to...

so we talk about it... a lot... like anytime there is a moment of silence...when the boys are sleeping...when they are awake... probably even when i am sleeping... "Curt are you sure we can do this?"... well... we decided to go ahead and jump... fast forward to today... we've sold our current home, signed up for a duplex to rent until the dream home is built (couldn't buy the existing one as it was sold...) and are in the process of packing up 8years worth of memories and life with now three children (er four children ;))

We have our lot picked out... we've (i've) been waiting what seems like an eternity to see some stakes on the ground to prove that we are actually moving forward with this and it wasn't all a dream - a dream that i may have sold my house and now have no where to raise my children... but no - it's moving... a steam train that is gaining speed and force with every day until it finally gets to its destination in December...what's that?  move again in December... during Peak!?  i know i know... i am crazy... peak season is hard... it's lonely....it's stressful... but darn it those people need those amazon orders...and i will finally be in my dream home... so it'll all be okay...  here's the start of something amazing for the wilson gang...

do you see the pretty pink flowers? (er' stakes!)

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