Tuesday, July 15, 2014

moving on...

 well we've moved...officially, mentally, financially, physically...any other "ally" you want to thrown in there...

it was a whirlwind no doubt... sad...emotional...wearing...draining... depressing huh?

the boys did great- got to spend loads of time with both sets up grandparents...4th of July happened in there somewhere and that was enjoyable with firecrackers and sparklers and loads of running around with the cousins...

some pictures of the adventure...

last pic of boys at old house... so big!  don't they look thrilled?

last family pic in front of old house... we look pretty good i think :)

it sure did...

our new 'basement' storage area... is it weird i know where everything is?

our lovely storage unit... jammed full!

garage poured... pretty cool...it seemed really big walking on it....

starting to frame it all in... stairs are right there...boys room is to the bottom right...

front view of framing starting... that wall is for the garage

yesterdays (7/14) status... you can see garage is almost framed completely, front door and then seth's bedroom windows (far right)... we also have the far kitchen wall (back left) and start of the living room with windows...pretty exciting

its been awesome to see the progress...i think the boys now are more excited to go see "the lot" every night to see the changes... they were getting kind of bored with dirt and concrete, but this "house shape" is pretty exciting to them... it's just amazing to see what the crews can accomplish in one day... between the 'front view' picture and this one above is just one day!

more to come... curt has been taking a picture from the same spot (out in the middle of the cul-d-sac) every single day...it'll be so cool to put that on a movie reel and 'watch' our house grow in slow motion!

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