Wednesday, March 23, 2016

too funny not to write down...

The big boys have wanted, asked for, begged for a dog for a long time.  Probably too soon after Zorro's death even...  Anyway we were driving home last night from soccer practice and we were talking about getting one... and what we would name it.  I told them I'd want to get a girl dog - for the reason that I am surrounded by boys...might be nice to have another girl in the family...even if it's an animal.  The boys both like Violet, Hazel and Sugar.  Violet is their number one right now.  When we get home - Mark asks Curt what he'd like to name the dog.  Curt says "Jake!".  Mark looks at him, with seriousness and responds "from State Farm?"!!!!!  we all died laughing... even Mark caught himself and realized he'd made a joke!  so now we pretty much HAVE to get a girl dog or it's name will be "Jake from State Farm"...

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