Thursday, December 10, 2015

catch up...

helloooo...  i hope one day the boys read these posts and laugh at my words...laugh at how long it takes me to post something of importance (to me)....  maybe one day i'll turn it into a book?

  • halloween - almost 2 full months ago!
    • we had a great time - bit of a neighborhood block party was had due to halloween, Royals in the World Series and of course candy/adult was a pretty great time.  lots of kids running around - new neighbors / old neighbors meeting up, adding each other to facebook friends list, phone numbers for texting later :)  kind of neat really :)
    • here were the boys - we had "Toothless" from How to Train Your Dragon (Mark); "a green dragon" (handmedown - poor kid - thirdbornproblems, Seth) and of course "Batman" (Noah).

They had a great time - not too much candy either!
  • Seth's Birthday - wondered if I should give him his own post, but I am going to cram all of this together anyway... he won't mind:)
    • We were all recovering from barf-o-rama 2015 during his real birthday crisp was all i could muster, but no one complained...and everyone kept it down ;)

    • We tried again with the rest of the family a couple of weeks later...

    • My mom made the cake - it was pretty amazing!  he loves LOVES LOVES trucks - like in order of importance in his world - its Dada, PAPA, PAPA's truck, and trucks...and dogs... dogs are always sprinkled in there in between.

    • Not sure what is up with the 'squinting', but he's been doing this lately when we say "smile" or "cheese"... pretty darn cute!

  • On to Thanksgiving...
    • no pictures...lame to the l.a.m.e.  we were there - my brother - my parents...the boys (all of them) ate about a million crescent rolls... i took a huge nap... football, etc...

  • Christmas decorating - ha!
    • so we're trying one.more.year. with the almighty tree...the darn thing still is dying... 

1st light up:
l - to - the - a - to - the - m - to - the - e...sheesh

2nd lighting:

pretty excited!

  • Last but not least... 
    • helping with Noah's basketball team... assistant coach sort of... it's so awesome...the boys are crazy...8yrs old...don't pay attention longer than 2seconds... bounce the balls all over the place, but it's so fun... way more fun than soccer coaching... maybe because i know how to play basketball...LOL

so bossy!

  • and tis the reason for the season!  

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